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With over 23 years of experience in the animation and special effects world an over 27 in graphics and advertising, Maximiliano Gaspar and Sergio Gaspar joined to create Zeta Positivo Animation Studio To produce digital visual effects and 3D animation in a side by side relation with look&Feel TV Production Company creating 3D characters and virtual sets. After studying Industrial Design, at University of Buenos Aires, Maxi Gaspar worked in advertising illustration. It was a free pass to make his first steps in 3D animation. Later, he worked in Encuadre and Bitt animation Studio as senior animator. By 2004 he co- founded Plasma Animation Studio where he was managing partner, animation and visual effects director. He decided to built a new 3D animation concept and created Zeta Positivo to complete his own career. Sergio Gaspar, also Industrial Designer and advertising illustrator, taught airbrush lessons in the University of Buenos Aires, architecture school. Also he learned in the early beginnings the secrets of 3D animation and moved by his artistic skills, he mixed 3D freelance work with oil paintings. His wildlife art paintings are worldwide recognized and it´s one of the best wild life art argentine artist. At present, he joint Zeta Positivo as art director and animation supervisor.

Con más de 23 años de trayectoria en el medio audiovisual y 27 en el gráfico y publicitario, Maximiliano Gaspar y Sergio Gaspar se unieron para formar Zetapositivo. Maxi Gaspar luego de terminar la carrera de diseño industrial en la UBA se dedicó a la ilustración publicitaria. Fue el puntapié para iniciarse en la animación 3D, trabajando posteriormente en Encuadre y Bitt Animation como animador Senior. En el 2004 co- fundó Plasma Animation Studio donde se desempeño como socio gerente y director de animación y efectos visuales. Finalmente fundó Zetapositivo Sergio Gaspar, también Diseñador industrial e ilustrador publicitario, dictó cursos de aerografía en la Facultad de Arquitectura, se desempeñó como modelador y animador 3D free lance e impulsado por su talento artístico se dedicó al arte y pintura en óleo sobre tela. Su pintura animalista es conocida en el mundo entero y encabeza la lista de los mejores pintores Argentinos de wildlife art. Finalmente se desempeña como director de arte y animador de cabecera en Zetapositivo.

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E-Mail :

Whatsapp : +54 9 11 4435 3200

Phone : 03327 43327 518 856

International Phone : +54 3327 3327 518 856

Adress : Centenario 901, U.F. 143. Garin, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 


After several years of experience in 3D, we have developed a number of character styles and aesthetics, always adjusting to the client`s needs.

The possibilities are endless. Take a look at a more complete collection of our works HERE.

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